Maps | |||
Hammer «Bro, these maps are gorgeous!» ::browse:: |
Brad «I agree. These maps are very good, Dermot.» |
Dermot «They’re just maps, guys. Nothing too special.» |
Shitan «I don’t think the maps are as impressive as the fact that you made them. I’ve seen you try to draw a straight line, and I must admit you’re not very good at it, Dermot.» |
Dermot «Well I’m not straight, am I?» |
Hammer ::roll eyes:: «Funny, bro.» |
Dermot ::chuckle:: «Well, I didn’t draw most of these maps from scratch. I pasted many of them together from screenshots. I used game editors for some, but for others (such as the Final Fantasy V maps), I meticulously glued them together from gameplay screenshots. And the VRML code isn't even mine—I found it on some Russian website. The only maps I drew by hand were for Xenogears.» |
Shitan «You mean you drew s—» |
Dermot «—No no no. I mean your world, Hyū. And your world, Hammer. The world of Ignas and Aquavy.» |
Brad «You did a nice job, Dermot. ...Have you mapped Filgaia, too?» |
Dermot «Which Filgaia?» |
Brad «...» |
Dermot «Sorry Brad, no Filgaia. I’ve only mapped what you can find here.» |